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«European Journal of Technology and Design» – international bilingual scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2310-3450

Publication frequency – issued once a year.
Issued from 2013.

1 December 20, 2023


1. Boris Sh. Gurgov
Semasiological Modeling in Real Estate Management

European Journal of Technology and Design. 2023. 11(1): 3-8.
DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2023.1.3CrossRef

The article examines the technologies of real estate management of public educational organizations. A new control technology is considered. which the author calls semasiological. The term “semasiological” is borrowed from the field of linguistics. It characterizes the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge. Semasiological control technology is based on semasiological modeling. In this technology, management models are built according to the bottom-up principle. Semasiological modeling is implemented through the use of information units as elementary models. Complex management models are formed from elementary models. Related types of modeling are described: onomasiological modeling and semasiological modeling. The difference between these types of modeling is shown. Information units are used in the modeling type. The article provides an analysis of the types of information units. The article provides an analysis of the types of modeling that is used in real estate management. The main components of semasiological technology of real estate management are described. The article shows the need to use information units as the basis of semasiological modeling and semasiological control. The importance of corporate real estate management in sectoral management is shown.

URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602221.pdf
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2. Nikita S. Kurdukov
Ontologies in Information Retrieval

European Journal of Technology and Design. 2023. 11(1): 9-14.
DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2023.1.9CrossRef

The article explores information retrieval technologies. The difference between information retrieval and information retrieval is shown. The search for information includes: information retrieval, semantic retrieval, and ontological retrieval. The problems of existing information retrieval technologies are described. Nine reasons for the inadequacy of information retrieval are described. A brief systematics of information retrieval methods is given. Current trends in the development of information retrieval are described. The article proves that the existing technologies of information retrieval are morphological. Work in the field of semantic search has led to the search for semantic information, but has not led to the creation of semantic search technology. The concept of complete information retrieval, which includes the search for morphology, content and ontology, has been introduced. The problems of the development of semantic search are described. The paradigms of informational, semantic and ontological search are given. It is shown that information retrieval is one-level and morphological. Semantic search is two-level. Ontological search is multi-layered. The key parameters of sematic and ontological search are highlighted: terminological relations, meaning of meaning, concept, knowledge. A search alternative is marked: the alternative is either a short time and a high volume of results, or a long time and a smaller volume of search results.

URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602263.pdf
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3. Trinh Bien Thuy, Do Nhu Y, Tran Huu Phuc, Nguyen Thi Hong
Economic and Technical Analysis of the Use of High-Performance Motor in Mining in Vietnam

European Journal of Technology and Design. 2023. 11(1): 15-20.
DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2023.1.15CrossRef

Reducing the cost of using electricity in mining to improve production efficiency is one of the most urgent tasks not only for other industries but also for the mining industry in Vietnam today. In the past years, the mining industry has applied many technical solutions to save energy in mining, such as using inverters to adjust the working process, using soft starts, and using a power metering monitoring system. The electric motor is the most energy-intensive driving device, accounting for about 70-80 % of the mine's electricity consumption. The use of high-performance motors to directly replace traditional induction motors with low-performance ones in mining will bring about high efficiency. The content of the article presents the possibility of using a line-start permanent magnet synchronous motor (LSPMSM) to replace traditional three-phase induction motors. At the same time, the article aims to analyze the economics and techniques of applying LSPMSM in mining to develop a reasonable investment plan to improve the use of electricity in mining.

URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602309.pdf
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4. Asya I. Todorova
Information Field Elements

European Journal of Technology and Design. 2023. 11(1): 21-26.
DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2023.1.21CrossRef

The article examines the elements of the information field. The main features of the information field as an integral information model are described. The tasks of the information field are described. The information field contains patterns and relationships of the real world. The information field contains tacit knowledge. The main tasks of the information field are to obtain new knowledge and form a picture of the world. It is shown that the information field can be considered as a system. The system has elements. The elements of the information field are information units. Information units are used as elements of models regardless of the information field. This justifies their use as elements of the information field. The variety of application of information units is shown. Information units are used in linguistics, programming, education, decision-making, and system analysis. Information units serve as the basis for information modeling. Four groups of information units that exist in linguistics and in the information field are described. A set-theoretic approach for describing information units of different groups is shown. The article describes the features of information construction. Information units as elements of the information field contribute to cognition and the formation of a picture of the world.

URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602353.pdf
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5. Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov, Vladimir V. Timofeev
Informational Granular Analysis

European Journal of Technology and Design. 2023. 11(1): 27-32.
DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2023.1.27CrossRef

The article offers a new type of analysis of complex heterogeneous situations. The article introduces a new information model, called a granular information model. The model has two categories of parameters. The first category of parameters defines the boundaries of the model and defines the commonality. The second category of models describes the specific properties of the model. On the basis of the information model, a new type of analysis is proposed – granular information analysis. The difference between this analysis and the methods of granular information processing is shown. For the granular information model, a set-theoretic description is proposed. Granules are considered as homogeneous sets in a heterogeneous field. Granules have homogeneous and heterogeneous parameters. When describing granules, there is an analogy with the description of geodata. Homogeneous coordinates define the boundaries of the granules. Granules are objects of real and parametric space. Inhomogeneous coordinates describe the quality and relationships in granules. The article introduces the concept of contextual structure. The contextual structure does not have a visual form of representation and can only be analyzed with the help of computer technologies and construction rules. The new model expands the range of solvable tasks of analysis and applied problems.

URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602394.pdf
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6. Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov
Logical Design

European Journal of Technology and Design. 2023. 11(1): 33-36.
DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2023.1.33CrossRef

The article examines the technology of logical construction as a new direction in the construction of logical justifications and algorithms. An analysis of the logical construction introduced by B. Russell and the evolution of this concept is given. The emergence of the concept of "logic in natural language" is noted. The emergence of an evolutionary chain is highlighted: formal logic; natural language logic; logic of ontologies; logic of thought. The connecting factor in this chain is the theory of "correspondence of meaning." Consideration of the logical construct as an agent-oriented model leads to the concepts of an evolutionary and self-developing algorithm. It is noted that the concept of logic is related to logical construction and information construction. Floridi's "conceptual logic." The article proposes a new model of logical construction applied to the information field. A new term "logical information construction" has been introduced for it. The area of existence of the new model is only the information field. The logical construct is considered as a derivative model of the information construct model. The concept of "logical construction" is defined. In the development of the concept of logical information construction, the term and model "logical informational" construction have been introduced. The content of this technology is revealed. The basis of logical information construction is the "correspondence of meaning". This correspondence includes other types: informational correspondence, semantic correspondence, ontological correspondence, topological correspondence, and others. The introduced models expand the range of tasks of analysis and logical analysis.

URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602465.pdf
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7. Roman V. Volkov
Information Modeling in Real Estate Management

European Journal of Technology and Design. 2023. 11(1): 37-44.
DOI: 10.13187/ejtd.2023.1.37CrossRef

The article explores the features of the application of information modeling in real estate management. The variety of application of information modeling is shown. The possibility and peculiarity of the application of building information modeling (Building information modeling) for real estate management is noted. The new concept of "digital assets" of real estate is analyzed. The content of digital real estate assets is disclosed. The features of digital asset management are described. The connection of digital assets with information modeling is shown. Information modeling is the basis for the formation of digital assets. The connection between corporate real estate management and information modeling is described. The importance of using information units for real estate management is analyzed. There is highlighted a special information that is used for real estate management. An analysis of the trend of transition from facility management to corporate management is given. The advantages of corporate governance and some disadvantages of its use in management practice are shown. It has been proven that real estate management strategies should be based on information modeling. It is proved that corporate real estate management should use information situations and situational information modeling. The article gives an analysis of the application of spatial information modeling in real estate management. Most features are areal or three-dimensional. Because of this, the use of spatial information models is an indispensable component in real estate management. There is emphasized the need for a systematic approach to real estate management.

URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602537.pdf
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URL: https://ejtd.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1705602550.pdf
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